| 1. | Laying of twin stormwater drainage pipe 双管雨水渠的安装工程 |
| 2. | Stormwater drainage system 雨水疏导系统 |
| 3. | Stormwater drainage system should be improved , especially in yuen long and mongkok 宜改善本港的雨水排放系统,尤其是元朗及旺角一带的排水系统。 |
| 4. | The dsd is also commissioning seven drainage master plan studies to review the condition and performance of the existing stormwater drainage systems in all flood - prone areas in hong kong 此外,渠务署还进行了七项雨水排放整体计划研究,范围覆盖全港所有易受水浸威胁的地区,全面评估雨水排放系统的状况和效用。 |
| 5. | Offers waterway and wetland maintenance , weed and algae control , fish stocking , stormwater drainage system services , flying insect control , wetland plantings , water testing , fountain installation and repairs -集污水处理产品设计开发,设备,工程承包于一体。自主开发有悬挂链曝气装置及自动化控制系统,供应曝气设备。 |
| 6. | Whether it has assessed if the discharge of sewage from commercial and domestic buildings into the harbour through stormwater drainage pipes will hinder the optimal use of public sewage treatment facilities , resulting in a waste of public funds 有否评估商业及住宅大厦的污水透过清水渠排出海港的情况有否令政府的污水处理设备未能物尽其用,以致浪费公帑? |
| 7. | Drainage services department is working on the improvement of the stormwater drainage system all over the territory all the times . in particular , upgrading works for downstream portions of the main drainage channels in yuen long have been completed in 1999 渠务署不断努力改善全港各地的雨水排放系统,尤其是于1999年在元朗的排水渠下游部份完成了改善工程。 |
| 8. | An environmentalist is reported to have stated that the underground drainage system in the area around dundas street in mongkok has been misconnected , causing the inflow of sewage from commercial and domestic buildings into the stormwater drainage system and threatening the health of the residents in the vicinity . as such sewage may not have undergone any treatment before it is directly discharged into the victoria harbour , the marine environment may be polluted 据报,有环保人士指旺角登打士街一带的地下水渠系统接驳错误,令商业及住宅大厦的污水流入清水渠,威胁附近居民的健康;这些污水更有可能未经任何污水处理,直接流入维多利亚港,破坏海港环境。 |